Thursday, June 18, 2009

Okay bloggers, got an ample amount of time on my hands as I am waiting a download of my fave artist program.
Anyways, I promised I would tell you about the most popular medication and the effects the disorder has on family.
First and foremost, you must realize that though I am talking about the different kinds of medications and how they affect you I am in NO WAY A DOCTOR. You should always consult your doctor. The extenet of my knowledge stems from the fact that I've spent ten years of trial and error with medications.
Okay, lets start with the anti-depressants. The most popular of all is of course Prozac- Now I tried this particular drug myself and it stopped working after six months. However, I know a lot of people who said it worked for them. In England, though, they had prozac banned and taken off the market. 1. Because doctors and the pharmacuetical companies were saying it was safe for pregnant women, and it's not!
And 2. They're have been more than 12 violence related cases with people taking prozac.
Next there is the anti-depressent I take now and it's called Cymbalta. Now one anti-depressent alone doesn't work for me. But it might for you, be sufficient. I've taken this one so long that I don't notice most of the side effects that are listed along with the prescription. But the most common, that have faded for me since then is: dry mouth, constipation, and itchy or runny nose. It's a great anti-depressent because it works on three levels. Most anti-depressents only focus on boosting seratonin levels. So the three things Cymbalta helps is BOTH seratonin and norapenphrine.(SP?) And it also helps ease the aches of the depression. Now it's NOT a pain killer but it works for minor aches and pains when depressed.
For me I have been a lot happier since on it and even when I do get depressed they are less then what it was like before.
A new drug that does the similar effects is PRISTIQ now I haven't taken it so there is really nothing I can except it's pharmacuetical name is close to another anti-depressent I am going to touch on, DOXEPIN
I take this one and it makes me so sleepy that I take it at night.
I have no clue as to what the side effects are, but since I am still on it you can bet the effects aren't that bad or lingering.
There are a few things you should know before dabbling into medication.
1. If you are bipolar it is MOST prudent to take Mood stabilizers as well as anti-depressents because you'll end up in manic mode 24/7
2. IT DOES make you feel groggy or like a zombie for the first few months of taking them, BUT STAY ON THEM BECAUSE IT WILL EASE UP LATER ON!!!
Alright the first mood stabilizer I am going to talk about is GEODON
Not many side effects but the fact that you feel really tired and groggy. Now if you're Manic bipolar then there is a good chance you are an insomniac as well as bipolar. This is true for me, I take Geodon at night and it makes me feel calmer and more at peace to sleep well.
The weird thing about Geodon is that it only works well when you eat something with fat in it half an hour after you take. It makes the meds. kick in 200%
Another type of mood stabilizer is LAMICTAL, which is another one I take but it's less severe in it's side effects because I take it in the morning. It's the just ever so slight of an edge to take the mania at bay.
When discussing with your doctor on the dosaging of ANY med. is to remember that some may need to be heavier and some may need to be lighter, but you again are at the mercy of trial and error. And just because I may take 200mg you might not. Since even though I may be smaller then you I've taken medications for a long time and have become dulled to the effects of any med.
Another mood stabilizer is ABILIFY. Now the great thing about this medication is that more than mood stabilizer, it also works the best with some anti-depressents, like: Prozac, Effexor, and a lot of others. Unfortunately it didn't work for me and the resulting effect was that after 6mo. it no longer worked.
It gave me or at least helped to give me thyroid cancer. Not only that, but it really DOES fuck you up and make you a zombie like individual.. AND THE EFFECTS DO NOT GO AWAY.

Now if you need to take the edge off of an episode, instead of resorting to drugs, you can just pop a 25mg of Benadryl. It takes only a short time to be digested and it really calms you.
For my last mood stabilizer I'll be talking about is Seroquel. This one I also take but it's meant for me as a more fast acting and heavier calm down then what I can get from Benadryl.
IT IS NOT A SMART IDEA TO MIX DRUGS AND ALCOHOL WITH YOUR MEDS. The least it would do is to make you throw up, the worst is it will cause you to blackout and vomit(not necessarily in that order)
I did promise to talk to you about the effect our disorder has on the family. Its tough for them REALLY REALLY TOUGH, they have to deal with someone who at the very least screams and yells when in manic mode and at the most is breaking things or even worse hitting your loved ones. BUT ABOVE ALL PLEASE ALSO REMEMBER:
YOUR PARENTS WILL BLAME EVERYTHING YOU DO AND ACT LIKE ON YOUR DISORDER. It's not cool, we as bipolars have a right sometimes to be angry, or cheerful and happy... WITHOUT IT GOING TO AN EPISODE. It's my biggest fight with my remaining family members is to treat me like I am normal. I will notice if I start to slip into an episode and will take the precautions to correct it.
Make sure you are calm and firm in your resolve when you go to talk to your parents about any aspect of your disorder. Try saying things like, this is a debilitating disorder for both of us. I am working on to find the best meds to work but until then I will be up and down and need your support.
In fact the most important thing you need is a positive support group and things you can do to distract you from your depression when it hits. A great one is Journaling or Blogging. Just writing down how you feel will often times lift the mood. But the best is to have an understanding and supportive group surrounding you.
I think I have sufficiently described to you The major points of Bipolar disorder. From this point on as I continue to blog I will write in new points I've learned from research or the community
Hey there bloggers, long time no post! It's because I had been under a blanket of depression. Which brings me to what I will be blogging onto day, since I promised last time.
In bipolar disorder there are three types of the disorder and they are as follows:
A. Bipolar 1-
1. If you have this form then you suffer from mostly mania and have few swings of depression. (NOTE: TO HAVE BIPOLAR DISORDER, you MUST HAVE SUFFERED FROM BOTH POLARITIES)
2. With this disorder your manic moods are VERY severe, but your depression episodes may (or may not) be pretty mild.

B. Bipolar 2-
1. With this form you will suffer very heavy and deep depressive episodes with only a need for ONE manic episode at least to qualify. Some Bipolar 2's may only have a hypomanic episode.

C. Bipolar with rapid cycling-
1. With this disorder you have equal amounts of depressive and manic episodes, both severe, and change rapidly. (My disorder is this one. Even though I have cycles of mostly mania, they are rapidly changing based on my day, sometimes even hours. But my depressive episodes are terrible too)

Now for the symptoms:
You may have experienced all of these, or only part of these, but these are the most powerful and generic of the symptoms.
Manic Symptoms:
1. Going on Spending Sprees, and engaging in risky sex with multiple partners.
2. Inability to reason properly when dealing with a difficult situation
3. Overly inflated sense of self-esteem, or Grandiose delusions
(Such as thinking you are superhuman and can do things like fly. Or maybe you believe magic is real.).
4. Now this symptom is true to both sides of polarities- Self medication through Illegal drugs.
5. Starting of projects or grand ideas to do something and then will poop out of it half way through. It's near impossible for a manic bipolar to stick to anything.
Depressive Symptoms:
1. Sleeping for long hours at a time when full rest was already obtained.
And inability to get out of bed.
2. Inability to care for one's hygeine or others well being. (You forget to get up and feed the kids, don't take showers or brush teeth...sometimes even for days on end!)
3. Engage in self-mutilation

A manic episode is desired for most bipolars who suffer from mania more than depression. They constantly look for that high again when not in an episode. The rush or fervored high that hits when in mania CAN be very fun, even I'll admit it. Mostly when I am in manic mode, as I call it, I can create for days on end. In fact the biggest complaint from a bipolar recently starting on medication, is that they feel foggy and are unable to create their passioned art. The one thing you can counteract a bipolars complaints, is to remind them that the side effects are NOT permanent and in time they will feel like themselves and will be able to create art again.
When a bipolar dips into deep depressions they are nearly catatonic(unable to move) in reality they could move if they really wanted to but it seems that all the energy they had the day before, is gone.
"Have the BLUES", or feeling a little sad IS NOTHING like depression.
Depression is debilitating and soul numbing.
OR " Well, I suffer from depression but get through it okay... why can't you?" If you were able to get through your sadness and persevere over the pain, then you are NOT depressed.
1. To sudden and horrible severe anger that we mostly take out on the ones we love the most.
2. Lashing out too much and so severely to friends and family that you end up losing them.
3. Hallucinations, and even being violent.
If you've ever gone as far as the situations I've described, then you can say you are bipolar.
But seeing a professional(Psychologist and/or Psychiatrist) and getting confirmation and to see regularly to help you through your episodes.
a period of time in which the extremes of mania or depresion are experienced.

Now I think I have sufficiently described the types and symptoms of the disorder. In the next blog I will talk about the various popular medications for the disorder and to tell what a member of your family may be feeling because of what they are going through while you have an episode.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

In my 12 year pursuit to understand Bipolar disorder, I've gained insight I now pass onto you...

Dear Readers of my blog,
Right now that would be three who follow this confusing blog. But I believe this is a great post for those who live with bipolars, or know one, and yes... even if you are one. I will try to make this as clear, concise, and to the point.
1. There are only REALLY three forms of getting it, but there are two more accepted forms that are less likely and not widely publicized. They are:
A. Genetics- you are born this way and inherited it from one who also suffers or had epilepsy or migraines.
1. the same group of neurons that are disfunctional for bipolar disorder, also but in different synapses, cause epilepsy and migraines.
B. Trauma induced- you have such severe trauma, repeatedly during you youngest and most impressionable age that causes you to later in life, react disordered towards stressful situations in the same matter you did as a child.
1. You were repeatedly physically,mentally, sexually, or verbally abused for long period of time. the emotional reaction then is repeated over and over again to presumed to be as dire of consequences that are really more mundane in nature
C. Substance abuse of multiple kinds
when you do drugs, your changing your brains chemical inputs and outputs. Over time your brain stops producing those chemicals and relies on the substance to do the job.
1. Quitting the substances and completely detox from the poisons would bring about an eventual resupplying of those chemicals in your body.
D. Brain injury- the injury so severely beaten up in that area could cause the synapses to mis-fire in non-productive ways.

E. Shift Work Sleep Disorder- people who work varying shifts over and over. some days graveyard shift then turn right around for day shift the next day. it causes improper sleep, mis-reactions to situations that are stressful.
1. To alleviate this getting back into your circadian rhythm will alleviate this.

The last two forms of forming the disorder are rare.
When bipolar disorder is established it is EXTREMELY IMPERATIVE that a therapist and psychiatrist become apart of their lives. They first need to find meds. that work for them, a process that unfotunately is based on trial and error. The medication will make the sufferer feel numb, unable to feel or create art. This will make them want to stop taking it...NO! Eventually the severity of the drugs will ease off and they will be able to feel and create art again. IF THE MEDS. STOP WORKING (usually after six months) then they MUST switch to new dosages or meds. that the doctor prescribes.
The psychotherapy is intended to teach the bipolar sufferer that their first reaction is right but too severe of a reaction. And your therapist will show you how to battle their episodes to get them under control.
However, there are people who do not need meds. or found a better way to deal with it. There are three other ways I have learned from others that their symptom management works for them.
A. Most generic form of dealing with the disorder is what I myself have done. I am myself in therapy and taking medication. It helps but you still need to control the fluctuations in your life. First note in a journal your daily moods for three months. Learn the patterns. I have a six month roll to my disorder, I can be normal for the most part but will easily dip into minor episodes based on what polarity is affecting me those six months. Also full moons make me try something crazy or off my normal schedule and new moons have the direct ability to make me depressed. It technically only lasts for one to two days then I'm back to normal. For people like me it's best to find your circadian rhythm(look it up on wikipedia). I find that rhythm and stick to a schedule and I'm fine.
B. Some people need no meds. at all, they have found alternative ways to control their episodes. One is through nutrition. I know of a bipolar who watches their fat intake and try to eat food in balanced proportions. Eating lots of fish with omega3. This works for my particular friend and I believe her link is on my site, if not then it will be.
C. Another doesn't achieve benefits from medication. Because of his other health problems, the meds. he needs would excacerbate themeds. for the other disorders he has. He's opted for electroshock treatment. Severe, yes... but necessary for him. And he's an intelligent, competent member of society.

IN CONCLUSION- Bipolar is caused by many things and can be taken care of in varying maintenence.
In my next blog post. I will discuss the episodes and fluctuations, as we feel it. The social stigmas and beliefs others put on us. Finally I will discuss MAJOR mistakes that those on the outside do when dealing with a bipolar!

In my 12 year pursuit to understand Bipolar disorder, I've gained insight I now pass onto you...

Dear Readers of my blog,
Right now that would be three who follow this confusing blog. But I believe this is a great post for those who live with bipolars, or know one, and yes... even if you are one. I will try to make this as clear, concise, and to the point.
1. There are only REALLY three forms of getting it, but there are two more accepted forms that are less likely and not widely publicized. They are:
A. Genetics- you are born this way and inherited it from one who also suffers or had epilepsy or migraines.
1. the same group of neurons that are disfunctional for bipolar disorder, also but in different synapses, cause epilepsy and migraines.
B. Trauma induced- you have such severe trauma, repeatedly during you youngest and most impressionable age that causes you to later in life, react disordered towards stressful situations in the same matter you did as a child.
1. You were repeatedly physically,mentally, sexually, or verbally abused for long period of time. the emotional reaction then is repeated over and over again to presumed to be as dire of consequences that are really more mundane in nature
C. Substance abuse of multiple kinds
when you do drugs, your changing your brains chemical inputs and outputs. Over time your brain stops producing those chemicals and relies on the substance to do the job.
1. Quitting the substances and completely detox from the poisons would bring about an eventual resupplying of those chemicals in your body.
D. Brain injury- the injury so severely beaten up in that area could cause the synapses to mis-fire in non-productive ways.

E. Shift Work Sleep Disorder- people who work varying shifts over and over. some days graveyard shift then turn right around for day shift the next day. it causes improper sleep, mis-reactions to situations that are stressful.
1. To alleviate this getting back into your circadian rhythm will alleviate this.

The last two forms of forming the disorder are rare.
When bipolar disorder is established it is EXTREMELY IMPERATIVE that a therapist and psychiatrist become apart of their lives. They first need to find meds. that work for them, a process that unfotunately is based on trial and error. The medication will make the sufferer feel numb, unable to feel or create art. This will make them want to stop taking it...NO! Eventually the severity of the drugs will ease off and they will be able to feel and create art again. IF THE MEDS. STOP WORKING (usually after six months) then they MUST switch to new dosages or meds. that the doctor prescribes.
The psychotherapy is intended to teach the bipolar sufferer that their first reaction is right but too severe of a reaction. And your therapist will show you how to battle their episodes to get them under control.
However, there are people who do not need meds. or found a better way to deal with it. There are three other ways I have learned from others that their symptom management works for them.
A. Most generic form of dealing with the disorder is what I myself have done. I am myself in therapy and taking medication. It helps but you still need to control the fluctuations in your life. First note in a journal your daily moods for three months. Learn the patterns. I have a six month roll to my disorder, I can be normal for the most part but will easily dip into minor episodes based on what polarity is affecting me those six months. Also full moons make me try something crazy or off my normal schedule and new moons have the direct ability to make me depressed. It technically only lasts for one to two days then I'm back to normal. For people like me it's best to find your circadian rhythm(look it up on wikipedia). I find that rhythm and stick to a schedule and I'm fine.
B. Some people need no meds. at all, they have found alternative ways to control their episodes. One is through nutrition. I know of a bipolar who watches their fat intake and try to eat food in balanced proportions. Eating lots of fish with omega3. This works for my particular friend and I believe her link is on my site, if not then it will be.
C. Another doesn't achieve benefits from medication. Because of his other health problems, the meds. he needs would excacerbate themeds. for the other disorders he has. He's opted for electroshock treatment. Severe, yes... but necessary for him. And he's an intelligent, competent member of society.

IN CONCLUSION- Bipolar is caused by many things and can be taken care of in varying maintenence.
In my next blog post. I will discuss the episodes and fluctuations, as we feel it. The social stigmas and beliefs others put on us. Finally I will discuss MAJOR mistakes that those on the outside do when dealing with a bipolar!