Saturday, April 18, 2009

Anxiety, Depression and Apathy...And what about those TEABAGGERS??

It seems that lately I have been struggling more with apathy, anxiety and depression. Apathy to do anything of really substance in my life at the moment, Anxiety about where I am going and what will become of me if I finally manage to accomplish my dream, and depression...well depression just seems to follow the other two. I am hoping that I will conquer these feelings today and end up making something of my book.
For those of you who don't know, I am writing a book. I've been working on it since last year and it seems that this third draft is the one that is going to work. I have an ear to lay most of my work on by the Published Horror writer that has taken an interest in my work. Lately I have only heard praise from him, which troubles me but I did get a lot of constructive advice from him in the beginning to really help me shape my story.
Right now I am really in a tangle with my writing, wanting to keep all the original chapters in the book but having to incorporate new chapters as my book wasn't long enough. This having to write new chapters has forced me to take my book to another direction and ended up creating tangles of twisted plots and mini plots. So now I think I am going to have to pretty much scrap the original plot and redesign the story to fit my new path of thought. I am hoping to get to working on what is now the sixth chapter in my book today. I don't know right now though because I feel the ebbs and flows of depression and anxiety wearing on me. Maybe I just need more caffeine.

Now onto my politics rant for the day, TEABAGGERS. It confuses me as someone commented on one of my other journals that both sides will seek to tax and cut to their overall party. Neither is different from the other in that they have certain departments and income levels they tax and spend the most money for. But that is for another blog altogether. As I've noticed lately there is a growing group of people who are against the taxes that have been helping to stimulate the economy and help the lower classes gain an edge. It seems unfair that those who have the money are too stingy to help those who do not have money, to grow. I admit that the teabaggers strike is neat and cool, especially since we're seeing a revolt akin to the real Tea throwing party of 1700's. The sad thing is, is that in most democratic societies the rich believe it is their DUTY to support growth programs that stimulate help for the under privileged. Here though I see the upper middle class, mortgaged, debted on credit to the max, and have not thought forward to the paying back of those debts. Now they're complaining because they have those things that they decided not to pay cash for, have the ability to pay the debts they've racked up and still manage their finances, but yet they don't want to help those that NEED money the most!
It reminds me of a puzzle I once read long ago.

What do rich people need,
that the poor have tons of?
I don't know I haven't been following the politics movement as much as I did when the Presidential race was on and in the first month of Obama's reign.
As always I look forward to opinions and comments from all sides of the debate as I feel this is the only way to show the entire picture of this seemingly hot topic!

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