Monday, April 13, 2009

WHO ARE WE TO DENY THE RIGHTS OF MARRIAGE...A Rant on Gays, Lesbians, and Trans...

I will start with the politics that I am viewing in my life around me. One, and mainly is, 'SHOULD GAY MARRIAGE BE LEGAL?' In my opinion yes! Why should we discriminate on someone's choice of partners? Where does it say in the NEW TESTAMENT that gays and lesbian are wrong and shall be condemned to Hell? I remember it quite vividly in the Old Testament as I was raised Lutheran and was a staunch one at that, when I was younger. But even at age fourteen when I thought I was against abortion for most reasons, and believed in creationism, I still never thought that Gays, Lesbians or Trans should ever be denied the right to marry or be allowed to worship under the same roof as I did. This is one of the fundamental arguments I had with my religion at 17 that made my decision to turn to another religion for guidance and support. I went through theology studying all forms of religion, and as a child even in our parochial school, they taught us about most major forms of religion. Only one has ever said that it didn't matter what your sexual orientation was, that was of course Wicca. But they too were so steeped in ritual and preformed beliefs that pushed themselves onto others that I strayed even from that one.
Onto another note, I have met Gays and Lesbians and Trans that said they chose to be the way they were and I say that is their choice. Is it my choice to be a Lesbian? No. But should I deny them their choice, especially in this Country of the FREE??? NO!!! I have also met Gays and Lesbians and Trans, that say they were born this way, that always they had felt a pull to that side of the romantic road. They would tell me of the shame and stigma they felt when trying to deal with society and would pray to be "normal"(Which in my opinion is overrated and can no longer be identified) so that their parents would not look at them with disappointment. Or that they could be free to say who they are in the military without being kicked out. There are many who choose this way but there are just as many who were BORN this way!! Why would God, a vindictive, arrogant and narrowminded God albeit, allow such genetics to be born and bred but say they are Hellbound? No, I don't buy that at all. There is nothing wrong with them, theirs is not a mutation, or some demon sin brought upon their heads from womb. Theirs is simply an alternate view born out of genetics that led them to be this way.
Moving on, I abhore CALIFORNIA'S choiced of Prop. 8, a state I once regarded as open minded and free thinking as the city of Las Vegas. Better even because they were more ecologically minded, health minded, and full of Hollywood Stars that had a foot in the door to opening the world to much better views and lifes.
I cannot understand why a State with the most largely populated Gay and Lesbian city(San Francisco) would be the first to deny such rights to people who are as kind and caring and in most part MORE kind and caring to their partners be denied a basic right. The right to be coupled together as the same as any other couple. MARRIAGE IS NO LONGER A RELIGIOUS RIGHT, it is a sacred pact backed by the government. My parents were married in a civil ceremony in a court of Law. Now I doubt highly that any Gays or Lesbians are asking religions to turn a blind eye to their religious beliefs and allow them to marry in their church, they are simply asking for a title. A title in my mind that makes most people, miserable, hateful, and domineering towards one another in the long run. Why it used to be against religious decree to DIVORCE. Now 50% of all married couples end in divorce. WHY NOT ALLOW ANY DECENT GAY AND LESBIAN THE SAME RIGHT TO MISERY AS ANY OTHER MALE/FEMALE UNION???
Continuing on in my diatribe is the judgement of whether or not Gays and Lesbians should be allowed to have children, adopt children, or be foster parents. The denial of this right or voiced opinions against this right based on the fact that they'll somehow "TURN" the children into "Gays" is WRONG!!! I have not lived in Las Vegas my whole life but I did live here when I was five, before moving back to California. And my mother worked Hellish hours at Caesar's Palace as a bellhop. She had, at first, had a teenage boy watching me and two other children for our hours after school. He introduced us to PORN, POT SMOKING, and OTHER ILLEGAL forms of entertainment by having groups of friends over and participating in these activities while we were supposed to be "napping" in our room. We, of course, snuck down the hallway to peek out into the den and see the fornications on t.v., smell the funny smoke, and listen to horrible jokes that belittled women. Eventually I told my mother about these things. She pulled me from his care, but my NEXT BABYSITTER. Was a Transvestite looking to go through the waiting period to become a woman. She was beautiful and sweet. Treated us like we were her own babies and never said a bad word, subject us to bad television, and never made us nap for hours on end while she did illegal drugs. She was a great babysitter and a great homework helper. When my mother decided to move back to CA. I begged her to take Shiree with us because I loved her so much. But of course, I didn't understand that she had her own life to tend to as well. I've never forgotten that woman nor the care she showed us while we under her care.
THIS NARROWMINDED BIAS OF WHO GAYS, LESBIANS, AND TRANS ARE HAS GOT TO STOP!!! Now is the time to rise up Youth of today, just as we did to elect Obama President, We must also voice our disgust at the older generations for their one sided damnation of people who can be just as wonderful if not even MORE SO then we as so called "righteous Straights". IT IS ARROGANCE, to think for even one second that WE ARE THE ONES TO INHERIT THE KINGDOM OF GOD!!! All Jesus ever asked us to do,(FOR THOSE WHO FOLLOW THE NEW TESTAMENT) was love!! LOVE AND FORGIVE!!!! And after my dealings with those of alternate sexual orientation, I SAY THEY DO THE BEST WORKS OF JESUS!!!
They love each other and forgive us for our stupidity. In return they ask only for acceptance as WORTHY HUMAN BEINGS...IS THIS TOO MUCH TO ASK FOR???
I SAY NO!!!!
Phew! Okay so now I have ranted about my beliefs on what I consider to be a hot topic. And I thank you if you have read this. Feel free to leave any kind of comment you want, whether is pro or con my argument I will listen, and post! AMERICA WAS FOUNDED ON THE RIGHTS OF THE FREE TO BE WHO THEY WANT TO BE AND TO DO AS THEY WANT, SO WHO AM I TO DENY YOUR RIGHT TO COMMENT?? I only hope, that some of my rantings were read by someone who once viewed differently and are enlightened by my article.
Thank you.


  1. Sexual orientation is a matter of personal choice,same-sexpartners should be given equal rights and benefits.

  2. agree with you completely...people should be allowed to do whatever makes them happy when it doesn't affect anyone else's life. Eventually religious persecution will be as unacceptable as race persecution...I hope
