Monday, March 30, 2009

The Eye of the TORNADO...When you wish for a little excitement you get HELL

God, I remember for a time how quiet my life was, serene. I went to bed, every night. I had no worries except where I was going to get the next twist for my book. But I have to admit my book was a little rough still. I woke up at the same time every morning. I didn't argue with my grandma, my meds. worked so well, that when she threw her little tantrums, or started to order me around like she likes to do so much, I just said, "Oh well she's just being her, what can I do?" and I shrugged it off. But I was BORED!!!! I sat in my room every night playing on the computer. writing and creating my digital art. My friends were in other countries. Yeah it was fascinating learning their culture and slang terms...but seriously was I becoming that geek again I knew so well in high school? Well one day I reached out to a local friend of mine, just to see what he was up to, it had been four months since we'd spoken. He was...different. HAPPY!!! Light, and Joie de Vie. AND JOKING AROUND EASILY ....this was not the guy I knew so well. My friend was a determindedly aspiring mortgage broker. Last I spoke he and another guy in the biz were working at one company while spending every waking minute trying to get theirs up and off the ground. But then he tells me, HE'S IN LOVE!!!!! I couldn't believe it!! He said he was too busy to even date...and he wasn't interested in anyone or a relationship at that point. Well that's what he once said when I suggested getting out and meeting someone. But I guess he took my advice, because he'd met this girl, this changed his life girl. He was trying to move to San Diego to BE WITH HER....AFTER FOUR MONTHS!?!?!
WOW...I mean WOW!!!! My friend(yes I am definitely trying not to use his name at all out of respect to him...not like any of you would know him but I do try to keep others' names off here in case you stumble across this blog and suddenly recognize me...I mean I am dumb enough to put my own picture up) is not one to make rash decisions but I guess it's makes you dumb. So I asked him what site he joined...and Then I Did It Too...and thats' when my life was dramatically changed from hermit to Miss Popular. I've gone on so mnay dates. Some Good, Some Bad, Some...well, we'll not speak of them. I met one worth it...Well I am hoping so....I hope for the best but expect the worst...or it's become my motto since moving to me it's safer this way, and I am AN OPTIMIST!!!! YEAH!
Ugh, I don't remember my point to all this, just that's when all the stuff started. Right after that, on a totally different site and completely unrelated to this, I met my Writing Coach. He's a Semi-Known PUBLISHED HORROR WRITER!!!!
WHO WOULD"VE THUNK IT!!! A Person who is PUBLISHED, IN THE BIZ ANNNDDDD SAME GENRE AS MINE!!!! So he sees my first draft and says he sees a glimmer of something in my work and may he give me some tips?? I say SURE, I mean mostly I had gotten: I liked it(thats it), I didn't like(ditto), umm why does she kill though, why don't you explain her reasoning(umm because it's THE FIRST CHAPTER!! READ SOME MORE IT'S CALLED SUSPENSE DUMMY, GET TO CHAPTER EIGHT..SHE GETS TO IT THERE) and, my favorite-I don't really like horror...WELL, DID I ASK YOU OR FORCE YOU TO READ IT??? NO!!!!!arrrggghhh, I had gotten no where...But his tips and constructive not nasty at all criticism totally gave me the fuel I needed to rewrite and then again rewrite into the in process third draft I am at now!! I am on a all new chapter I am writing, right now it's titled chapter 3.5 because it is going to become the new chapter four but I sent the newly and totally redone, revised, and reedited, version of chapters 1-3 to my coach. and he said that "I would be COMPLETELY SHOCKED, IF THIS DIDN'T...DIDN'T MAKE THE NEW YORK BEST SELLER'S LIST, You're REALLY ON A ROLL NOW" I asked him once why he was helping me and all for nothing. He said when he perused the site I was posted on he was just looking for something to take his mind of his own writer's block and stumbled across my catchy title. And then as he started to help and saw how I blossomed he felt great like he was helping a great artist coming to their fold. "And I am getting a creative buzz, almost like a high from your creative steam! It's great!" I told him for his help and belief in me I would dedicate the book to him and I meant it. He said he was honored but not to speak so quickly. But I do mean it. He really is the one that gave me the insight as to what a reader is looking for in a character, how to draw out a scene to torture and tease and tantalize the reader so that they're so anxious they want to read quickly to find out what happens next but they're enjoying the current scene so much they read it over and over to savor the words. I had forgotten that feeling that I got when I read. I loved it!!
Anyways...Writing about all this good stuff has made what happened yesterday seem to drift away on a cloud. IT was horrible and scary but now I am so happy and relaxed I seriously don't want to talk about it anymore. THIS is why I LOVE to write. The experience is SOOO Cathartic for me. Even if no one reads it lol...
Maybe one day this site will be a hot site as all the fans of Isabelle's Story come to crowd around and read the Bipolar Author's Roller Coaster Rants and Raves. LMFAO!!!


1 comment:

  1. sounds like one of those serendipitous meetings...hope things work out super best selling well!! =D
