Saturday, March 7, 2009

The Many Men In My Life...Lowering My Age Standards....The Guy who wouldn't go away...AND A REASON TO CELEBRATE...

So, I've turned from a hibernating caterpillar into a butterfly that is sought by many to be made into part of a collection. I am of course speaking again of the dating site I am on. It seems that even when I finish answering emails of those that I think are sweet enough to accept or even just to tell nicely no thanks or to delete unceremoniously, that within an hour I have about fifteen more to go over. I know this sounds like I am bragging but not in the lest, it's more like I am overwhelmed. There is one guy that I thought was the one, but now it seems the dates are coming less and less and I am just not having the same good feeling about him anymore. There was one guy that seemed so cool and interesting to talk to, and we had fun the night we met up but then the next night he seemed scary, saying how addicted he was to me and all he wanted to do was spend time with me. I kept telling him I was sick and only wanted to sleep but he just couldn't give it a rest! Finally I just ignored him and he stopped. But he just seemed way too scary. Today doesn't seem so bad, I've decided not to judge so much on age so more, not by going up in years per se, but lowering the age limit, I've met a guy who was a little younger than I am and he is intelligent and smart, he's one who caught my eye, or really I caught his, but afterwards he caught mine. We took each other's matchme tests, I scored high on his, he scored a little lower and he didn't like that, but it was funny to me. Now even though I am still a little sick I am going out. To drink and have some fun. I just want out of the house, to get my focus off....OH YES I FORGOT TO SAY IT!!! I quit smoking cigarettes~!!! Big deal to celebrate huh!
So we're going out to have fun and even though he smokes he said he won't smoke around me.
I thought that was nice! Anyways, I am hoping to meet someone soon that I can settle down with because even though I like John, I don't want to have to wait for him... I believe wholly that if I suddenly have someone to settle with he'll suddenly realize his mistake and come to want me.
Oh well.

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