Sunday, April 26, 2009

Sweeping into a real deep Depression, even if its over a stupid guy...

I thought I was over getting all worked up over men. Especially after I left the last one alone. Apparently it wasn't just the last one, it's either all guys that work me up...or maybe it is just me. I'm fairly certain it's me. A little over a week ago, I met a guy online(yes, online) at the dating site I'm on and he seemed damn near perfect for me. He initiated the contact after he saw I was caring for my Grandmother, he too, was caring for members of his family and liked that I was family oriented. So we met and connected well. We had great conversation and great sex(that's important too) we shared common goals and morals. There seemed to be only one drawback, he worked, a lot. So we kept in contact nearly everyday by text message. We laughed and flirted and talked all the time and so it seemed to go very well. Time went by and I started to get antsy and wanted to see him again. His days off were Thursday and Friday. Thursday, he had to work but we were supposed to see each other Friday. So We talked Friday in the afternoon and the last thing he said was, in response to me saying "Will you be able to see me?" "Def. I'm gonna take a nap and I'll see you later" that was the last I heard from him that day. I called around, I think five or six, thinking he'd gotten enough sleep. It rang a couple times, sounded like it picked up and then hung up. So I tried back and it rang a couple times then was sent to voicemail. So I left it alone and went about doing other stuff, thought nothing of it. A couple hours later I sent him a text and got no response, went back about thirty minutes later and called him it rang about four times and was sent to voicemail again. Still thought nothing of it and got on the internet. Then about nine p.m. I called again and it rang once and was sent to voicemail. I started to get suspicious by then especially when it had rang more than once earlier before getting sent to voicemail. But still, I tried to remain openminded because I knew some people (like me) could hit the ignore button or end button in their sleep and automatically send someone to voicemail without waking up. Well I tried one more time at ten p.m. and it rang twice then went to voicemail. I stopped trying after that. The next day he said he'd slept all day and went to work that night but I didn't get it, I mean if he went to work wouldn't he have answered my texts or called me? I mean the last voicemail AND text I left said I was pulling an all nighter so he could call or text me at anytime and he never did til the next day! But he swore that was all that happened. But that day I logged on to the dating site I met him on it said he'd logged on right after he'd texted me to say he was going to nap! I let it go, but then today I logged on to answer the messages I'd not answered that day(yeah I'll admit that day I was checking up on him but by that time it was nine p.m. and I was suspicious) and so I thought I'd check up on him(yeah I was still suspicious) and it'd said he had logged on this morning right after he'd supposedly just gotten off work...okay so I confront him with it. I said I don't know if I even had the right to be angry, I didn't know what to feel. Now he just(we're in the middle of the argument) acted like psychology says a classically guilty person does, acts overly defensive. But I can't say he is exactly because when I am confronted I get overly defensive and he is a lot like me... but the frustrating thing is when I first told him about this he was busy and took time to answer and I tried to turn to my friends, they all said they were going to bed or...said sorry Just got you're message and I have to go hope all is well talk to you later! (All I said was 'Can you talk?'). And even though I've stayed calm and tried to make him see he just "LMAO" and called me a high schooler. Well stay tuned, hopefully my next blog will have something happier.

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