Friday, January 16, 2009

Hello to all, just got released from the hospital, and living life as a crazy person

Well this is my first attempt at blogging on a separate site from all my other creations. I am a writer and a budding artist who enjoys making art and writing about my emotional turmoil. After all the best art is created from that which you know. I'm 29, with a master's in Psychology but I haven't been practicing for a year now. My biggest problem with being a therapist was taking onto myself the problems of my clients. After worrying more about their lives than they did, I had a nervous breakdown and had to be admitted to a mental health facility. Which brings me to just this last weekend. I was diagnosed bipolar at nineteen and have been struggling with the disorder and my medications for the past ten years. I thought I had everything under control, until *gasp* I had another breakdown. This time however, when I went into the hospital, it was to find out that my psychiatrist wasn't paying attention to which meds might interract with each other. I found myself increasingly agitated and paranoid. When I went into the hospital, they ironed out my medication schedule and within two days my emotions ironed themself out. When I came back to the real world, I had found that two of my friends just didn't understand how you could be in the mental hospital and not be completely crazy. I lost those friends because of their bias, but I am used to that. I also found that the artists' site I belonged to and hosted a group on, had been hacked into and a girl that had stalked me for quite sometime managed to get me not only deleted from this site, but banned as well. So I've spent most of the day looking for sites that give feedback on writing and where they'll accept art of a so-so artist on the edge of beginning. Why did I decide to make my personal journal a blog online? Well I find that a lot of what I feel and go through so do others, and if I can help one person deal and learn to manage their mental illness, then my years of college and mastering the psychology science were not for naught. This is just my first post as I learn to become comfortable with the site and what I post. I guess this is all for now, as my day is over and I am dealing with a relatively calm day. As my rollercoaster of what I call babymama drama begins again(as it always does) I will have more and more interesting things to post and talk about.

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