Saturday, January 31, 2009

Listening to the "Early News" On Good Morning America

Okay so yesterday I hit a manic wave, around 4:oo p.m. is that exact? No, but I keep quite the watchful eye on my highs and lows and I did notice my hyperactiveness come creeping around the late afternoon yesterday. I kept a tight reign on it, now it wasn't the bad manic, where I lept up into irratibility or even worse extreme anger, I mean I stayed in happy land but later on when I took my sleeping pills, one of the strongest combinations allowed to be prescribed I might add, it didn't even knock me out. I mean I took them at 9:00p.m. yes, just about on the dot, and the next time I glanced up from my computer it was a little after 4:00 a.m. and I didn't even feel a yawn coming on!! So I just stayed up all night. Worst case scenario, I fall asleep early and mess up my sleep schedule, which just means I'll have to re-regulate it the next day, no biggie. The best case scenario is that I cut my mania off at the head and I'll be relaxed all day. BUT THIS IS NOT THE REASON FOR MY BLOG TODAY!!!
Since I am up early, and I stay in the den to do my computer work(best wi-fi connection in the house) I am lucky enough to witness my grandmothers morning t.v. ritual. Which starts with Good Morning America. And to me it's largely a morning talk show, but today they tried their hand at politics, I wasn't really paying attention, I had chosen to spend my sleepless night creating art and catching up on my writing(BTW- I am writing a book, little shameless plug if you want to read it check me out at it's under 'Diary of a Psychopath-Isabelle's Story' Installments 1-5) anyways I was only half listening and I heard this dumbshit say, "Well big spending doesn't work. It didn't work for Bush(wha? Him Spending big from the Government Funds for the Public??? Maybe to the Wealthy for the Hopeful Republicans Famous "Trickle Down Effect"!!) and It didn't work for Roosevelt(Umm, yeah...actually it did, He was the one President that Big Spending did work for. And if you don't believe me...just look it up, So why should it work for the President now? You know what we should do? Nothing! That's right, it'll get better over time. We should just Do Nothing!" WHOA! DID THAT JACKASS SAY THAT TO FIX OUR PLUMMETING ECONOMY THAT WE SHOULD JUST DO NOTHING??? Well that would work for a cut, but for a GASH THAT's GUSHING BLOOD??? Well dummy, I don't think that nothing will fix it, over time! In fact, I think that DOING NOTHING will just make it WORSE!!! It's like the OPPOSITE OF WHAT WE SHOULD DO. AND BESIDES MORON, President Obama is not suggesting JUST BIG SPENDING, in fact he's not suggesting BIG SPENDING AT ALL!!! He's suggesting spending to boost the economy, but he's suggesting SMART SPENDING, perking up certain areas of the economy, NOT TO DO THE "TRICKLE DOWN EFFECT" but to give the most important industries a chance to regroup, recoup, and actually flourish so that they can grow, hire, and get back in the black again! That in turn will help the companies that depend on THEM to get back in the black and to be able to grow and hire on which will cause a "WEBBING EFFECT" instead of the money "trickling down" from the rich, as they spend, to the poor; which NEVER happens. The Companies instead will span out and grow, reaching out to other companies causing a, well a sideways effect, like I said, a webbing effect, and (in theory, I didn't major in business after all, I majored in psych.) eventually with certain public programs to help as well, and other plans and bonuses that Obama's mentioned but I am just too tired from lack of sleep to remember but trust in our young and inventful president to put into place(you always hope for the best, especially with such a revolutionary person in office, not talking about race people, talking about youth, ideas, and vitality. Talking about change, the wind is blowing can you feel the sails billowing?) the change needed to pull us out of recession and into the direction for the next phase of our Country's sentience!

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