Friday, January 16, 2009

Random Thoughts on bipolar, Obama, and questions I pose to you...

I have to wonder how many people know a bipolar? I mean everytime I tell someone about my disorder they either say, "Oh I know someone who is bipolar their really no big deal" to that I always respond, that they are most likely not bipolar. The second response I get is, "OMG! You're bipolar I knew one who was CRA-ZY!" to that I always respond that they are probably unmedicated or even unaware of their problem. To say that I am not an emotional person, is a misread on my personality. Do I have my bipolar disorder under control? NO! But I try, everyday is a new struggle as I try to sort out my feelings before reacting. But enough about my disorder, I do want educate people on it but I feel there are other things I can talk about.
Like, Are we as a solar system rushing towards the center of the universe(if there is such a thing) or are we soaring fast away and outwards into the nothingness changing it into somethingness?
Also, I wonder, how many people voted for Obama based on the fact that he was the first black candidate and not on his issues. I went to the caucus to rally behind Obama and even volunteered on his campaign. I was in awe of the fact that we were changing history. But more importantly I respected his views on issues that I considered important. Like Ecology, equal marital rights for homosexuals, the right for a woman to have an abortion, and so on and so forth.
Also I wonder, if life is like a game of solitare...which card would you like to be? Personally I hate games so I would want to be a joker. The card tossed aside to be a watcher of the sport play out like a drama on the world.
I wonder, too why does the media take a story of moderate or even extreme importance, and then just beat it to death. I mean, by the time the Oj Simpson trial was finally over I was ready to turn away from the news media altogether. Now it seems they are focusing on a plane that was landed safely in the Hudson river and all passengers survived. I feel that is a great feat and compliment the pilot on his cool and stable demeanor that saved these people....but that was yesterday's news and yet, still on T.V. I see it Overwhelm every news show. Every station has a different guest with different views, eye witnesses, survivors, other pilots on to commend the man on his flight technique. I am ready now for the inauguration of Obama, but still I can't wait for it to be over, every news station has their countdown and an account of Obama's every little activity. Soon this will be over and then Superbowl will take center stage. I am excited because my underdog team that I have followed since I was ten(I am from Arizona and had season tickets) the Arizona Cardinals might actually have a chance to just even PLAY the Superbowl.
If they just get there, I will be speechless(yeah me without words) but if they win, then my whole year will be set for happiness. I will have reached my epitome of cheer and all else will seem inconsequential in comparison.
Now to you the reader, if you have actually taken the time to read this.
1. When you look at your ideals and morals, your spiritual incline and ask yourself this, are these your beliefs? or Ideas? The reason I ask is because I wonder how people can be so set in belief that they are willing to push their views onto others, to the point of discomfort. Ideas are always changing and growing with new knowledge that is gleaned from the universe. I have many ideas on Who, What, and Why of our existence but I think each person has their interpretation of what makes the universe spin.
2. What is clarification? The definition I know, but you can explain the exact same situation to two people and each will take away from it what they want. In that sense, can clarity ever be acheived?
3. Are your morals and values and (I shall call them ideas for the sake of argument) ideas of life based on what your parents taught you or have you gone out into the world and found something totally different than what your parents implanted in your brain?
Ponder these and get back to me on them. I am curious to learn others' advice and opinions. I chose the name Psyche because she is the Greek mythology Goddess of knowledge. and I want to learn, to absorb my life with thoughts, facts, impressions, and my perception of the reality at hand.

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