Friday, January 23, 2009

What happens when you don't take your medicine...

So things had been going along smoothly enough til I had gone to renew my meds. I had never been one to deny myself my medication. Being a psychologist I knew the importance of staying on a schedule and taking my medication. But after seeing my psychiatrist just three weeks ago and having him write a script on only two of my meds. I found I needed about four more of them re-upped. So I made a call into my pharmacy, usually it's no big deal but this time it seemed to be because they told me I had already had those particular medications refilled just the week prior. So I asked them to put a call into my doctor to have those medications re-prescribed because that was just about the only way I was going to get the medications. Since I had not had those meds. refilled the week prior. Well they put the call in and the doctor wanted to see me again. Since on average my medications could cost 800-1000 dollars per two prescriptions and my doctor cost 160 dollars for a half an hour I couldn't really afford the costs too much and forewent the doctors visit. I looked all over my house, looking in my room, my purse, in every room of the house for my missing pills they said I had filled the week prior. I couldn't find them anywhere, but I always kept them in the same spot. I was really, a creature of habit. I went a week without my meds. and at first was okay. But then I started to feel sad. I stopped taking care of myself. I became a recluse in my room. I went four days in my same clothes and didn't brush my hair, or shower or shave or anything. It was disgusting. Then it went on to the next week. I started to take medication that I stopped taking for various reasons or others to help curb the sadness. And I kept running out of other medications. I suffer from insomnia and I ran out of my sleeping pills. I take Atavan, doxepin, and geodon for sleeping. I ran out of those and had to resort to my old remeron which really didn't work and I wouldn't fall asleep until about 5a.m. and would sleep until 4p.m. During the day I would take fluxetine and lamictal which the lamictal was prescribed but the fluxetine was removed about a year before. I knew that they should've been thrown away but I had been grateful they'd been there as I was sure if I hadn't had them I would've had a psychotic breakdown. Although at the sametime I had been in jail once before for three days for a DUI for my medication, which is a joke. How can they say that if you take your meds. as you're supposed to and don't do drugs or alcohol, that you're medication can impair your driving when your medical doctor is the one who prescribes them. I am sure he would know if they would affect your driving and wouldn't prescribe them if you couldn't drive on them. What happened was I had dropped my cigarette in my lap and had tried to recover it while I was driving instead of pulling over to take over it. Anyways, they put me in jail and I couldn't pay to get out and they wouldn't give me my medication while I was in there under the guise that they were not to give me medication because it was the drugs that contributed to my condition of the DUI. Anyways, spending three days in there I had not had a psychotic break and they say even one day without your medication you can have a break like that. So I guess I have a strong enough disposition that I wouldn't have had one anyways, but after a week and a half I started having migraines and pain all over my body. Which I attributed to psychosomatic pains that were popping up because I take cymbalta. Cymbalta works to elevate norepinephrine as well as seratonine to ease the pain of depression as well as your sadness levels. But anyways, much to my surprise on Monday a week and a half after I was denied my medication, I started to have twitches, small at first, but then massive. I was laying in bed and these twitches swept over my whole body. overcoming me. I couldn't control my body, as the twitching and shaking got more severe. I was so afraid I was going to bite my tongue off. I know that mostly when you have a seizure you don't remember it afterwards, but I did remember this one. My head and my arms and legs all twitched uncontrollably, my back continued to arch, and when it was through, I found myself on the floor and the owner of a master headache. At first my body had tingles all over it like I had passed out and had just come back to life on the ground, but as I laid there I found I had control over my body more and more. And I felt that I could once again walk. I finally after a minute more got up and walked. And I immediately went into the den and told my grandmother what happened and had her call my doctor first to tell him what happened, which he said it did sound like a seizure, although a mild one, and then to call the pharmacy. Which it turns out that epilepsy and bipolar disorder are closely linked. Migraines, epilepsy, and bipolar disorder are all controlled by the same neural nexeses, so they put me back on the same meds. and my grandmother watched me like a hawk for 48 hours, as the doctor said that was how long it would take for the medication to be regulated back in my body. I didn't have another epileptic seizure and soon I was back to feeling like myself. Today I got up early in the morning after going to bed at a decent time last night and even got on the computer today. So I guess my little brush with the dark side is over. Which I am glad that all in all this is over. Oh btw- someone else filled my prescriptions that week, and they had called the wrong doctor, Dr. Park, not Dr. Pope... I wonder sometimes if things are always meant to be...

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