Monday, March 30, 2009

The Eye of the TORNADO...When you wish for a little excitement you get HELL

God, I remember for a time how quiet my life was, serene. I went to bed, every night. I had no worries except where I was going to get the next twist for my book. But I have to admit my book was a little rough still. I woke up at the same time every morning. I didn't argue with my grandma, my meds. worked so well, that when she threw her little tantrums, or started to order me around like she likes to do so much, I just said, "Oh well she's just being her, what can I do?" and I shrugged it off. But I was BORED!!!! I sat in my room every night playing on the computer. writing and creating my digital art. My friends were in other countries. Yeah it was fascinating learning their culture and slang terms...but seriously was I becoming that geek again I knew so well in high school? Well one day I reached out to a local friend of mine, just to see what he was up to, it had been four months since we'd spoken. He was...different. HAPPY!!! Light, and Joie de Vie. AND JOKING AROUND EASILY ....this was not the guy I knew so well. My friend was a determindedly aspiring mortgage broker. Last I spoke he and another guy in the biz were working at one company while spending every waking minute trying to get theirs up and off the ground. But then he tells me, HE'S IN LOVE!!!!! I couldn't believe it!! He said he was too busy to even date...and he wasn't interested in anyone or a relationship at that point. Well that's what he once said when I suggested getting out and meeting someone. But I guess he took my advice, because he'd met this girl, this changed his life girl. He was trying to move to San Diego to BE WITH HER....AFTER FOUR MONTHS!?!?!
WOW...I mean WOW!!!! My friend(yes I am definitely trying not to use his name at all out of respect to him...not like any of you would know him but I do try to keep others' names off here in case you stumble across this blog and suddenly recognize me...I mean I am dumb enough to put my own picture up) is not one to make rash decisions but I guess it's makes you dumb. So I asked him what site he joined...and Then I Did It Too...and thats' when my life was dramatically changed from hermit to Miss Popular. I've gone on so mnay dates. Some Good, Some Bad, Some...well, we'll not speak of them. I met one worth it...Well I am hoping so....I hope for the best but expect the worst...or it's become my motto since moving to me it's safer this way, and I am AN OPTIMIST!!!! YEAH!
Ugh, I don't remember my point to all this, just that's when all the stuff started. Right after that, on a totally different site and completely unrelated to this, I met my Writing Coach. He's a Semi-Known PUBLISHED HORROR WRITER!!!!
WHO WOULD"VE THUNK IT!!! A Person who is PUBLISHED, IN THE BIZ ANNNDDDD SAME GENRE AS MINE!!!! So he sees my first draft and says he sees a glimmer of something in my work and may he give me some tips?? I say SURE, I mean mostly I had gotten: I liked it(thats it), I didn't like(ditto), umm why does she kill though, why don't you explain her reasoning(umm because it's THE FIRST CHAPTER!! READ SOME MORE IT'S CALLED SUSPENSE DUMMY, GET TO CHAPTER EIGHT..SHE GETS TO IT THERE) and, my favorite-I don't really like horror...WELL, DID I ASK YOU OR FORCE YOU TO READ IT??? NO!!!!!arrrggghhh, I had gotten no where...But his tips and constructive not nasty at all criticism totally gave me the fuel I needed to rewrite and then again rewrite into the in process third draft I am at now!! I am on a all new chapter I am writing, right now it's titled chapter 3.5 because it is going to become the new chapter four but I sent the newly and totally redone, revised, and reedited, version of chapters 1-3 to my coach. and he said that "I would be COMPLETELY SHOCKED, IF THIS DIDN'T...DIDN'T MAKE THE NEW YORK BEST SELLER'S LIST, You're REALLY ON A ROLL NOW" I asked him once why he was helping me and all for nothing. He said when he perused the site I was posted on he was just looking for something to take his mind of his own writer's block and stumbled across my catchy title. And then as he started to help and saw how I blossomed he felt great like he was helping a great artist coming to their fold. "And I am getting a creative buzz, almost like a high from your creative steam! It's great!" I told him for his help and belief in me I would dedicate the book to him and I meant it. He said he was honored but not to speak so quickly. But I do mean it. He really is the one that gave me the insight as to what a reader is looking for in a character, how to draw out a scene to torture and tease and tantalize the reader so that they're so anxious they want to read quickly to find out what happens next but they're enjoying the current scene so much they read it over and over to savor the words. I had forgotten that feeling that I got when I read. I loved it!!
Anyways...Writing about all this good stuff has made what happened yesterday seem to drift away on a cloud. IT was horrible and scary but now I am so happy and relaxed I seriously don't want to talk about it anymore. THIS is why I LOVE to write. The experience is SOOO Cathartic for me. Even if no one reads it lol...
Maybe one day this site will be a hot site as all the fans of Isabelle's Story come to crowd around and read the Bipolar Author's Roller Coaster Rants and Raves. LMFAO!!!


Sunday, March 29, 2009


Have you ever reached a point in your life where the heroes you believed your parents(or in my case primary caregivers) were, were actually not that great at all? They were in actuality childish, less educated than you, and well liars?
I reached that stage when I was seventeen when I caught my Grandmother in a stupid petty lie. That did nothing but try and make her look better. Ever since then every story she's ever told me growing up has changed. The fish has gotten bigger, just because I've accomplished more in life than she had, became a greater educated person, turned out to be a genius AND made non of the mistakes she did...which I kinda sorta thought was the point of her lessons when I was growing up. But suddenly she went from having only a G.E.D. she quite proud of getting told to me when I was in high school. To attending some college class told to me when I was a sophmore in college. To an outrageous "I have an associates" now told since I have my master's and practice. Also everytime I start a sentence (Note to self: Stop using that sentence opener) with, "DId you know...?" even though I know full well she doesn't she says she does just to sound like she's up on that sort of news. Even if it was about something she knows nothing about nor cares computers. I even scolded her once outright, "YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT COMPUTERS, why do you have to be a KNow-It All" Her response was, "Well why do you?" Ugh, she the perfect 72 y,o, toddler I never wanted. Okay well enough whining....

I am writing a novel now, I had made quite a bit of money through my practice so that I could semi-retire for a while which everyone says I should travel. But really it's not that easy. I retired to take care of my Grandmother(aww yes how sweet, I regret taking on this task alone everyday) anyways, I help take care of the bills and help her around with stuff cuz of her debilitating arthritis and it gives me loads of time to work on my dream. Writing a book. My first dream job and reason I got into psychology was to become a criminal profiler. I passed the written FBI test but not psych. evaul. Yes apparently they think a bipolar is more apt to pull a trigger then anyone else. Oh well. But I have a gift, a knack for seeing the truth written in people's expressions, and hearing what people are really saying in their voice tones, added with body language and an ability to attrack psychos to me(seriously I don't know how many I've dated before I learned to spot those fuckers a mile away) and just some hunch like ability to feel out a situation. And I can get to the bottom of any situation fast. So I turned to reading up on a lot of the above named subjects. And then got into texts on Criminal profiling And the disordered mind. Now I am writing a Psychological Horror about a Female Sociopath who is killing like a psychopath...weird I know but stay with me. She kills like a psychopath because she is drawn by a lust to perform an act. She doesn't have a method or MO because she doesn't want to get caught, she doesn't want notoriarty, unusual for them I know. But in her mind she is a hero. Anyways she is a sociopath because she can expertly and without any red flags or bells going off, blend in with society, even be seen as a people person and loving towards others. IT's great.
That's all I am saying but I get more and more excited with the feedback I am getting(from other writers) and more and more hopeful with each refinement I do. I am realistic though I know it will get rejected 100 or 1000 times before someone accepts it, but yes I am excited. Anyways the point is, someone turned me on to this series called "Breaking Bad" It's a t.v. series on AMC but the previous episodes are on MEGAVIDEO.COM start with breaking bad 101 in the search bar and go from there, that's what I am doing. It's about a chemistry teacher that is total poster child for Murphys Law, ends up with End Stage Lung Cancer, no hope really so he begins so worry after his family and how they'll get by after his death, and decides to cook and sell Crystal Meth to solve that dilemma. HELL ENSUES!!!
I get crazy ideas from the unique deaths that happen on there. And Just watching the drama inspires me to want to write in a weird way. YOU SHOULD TOTALLY WATCH IT<>

Saturday, March 28, 2009


This has to be the Aftermat of the WORST DAY I HAVE EVER GONE THROUGH...I don't know, I have gone through some REALLY FUCKING BAD DAYS BEFORE...but you know what differed from those days and THIS ONE....after those days I felt better for the experience or the relief of living through I just feel worse and more nauseated from what I had heard....okay let me back up...I am a therapist... a licensed psychologist.... and had a session with a client that is so disabled from a recent car accident we held our hour via web cam and Skype. I rarely do that, but he was a well paying client and I sensed that we were just about to reach a breakthrough and I didn't want to lose the momentmum. Okay side note. I am not a doctor, I was not forced to take an "OATH" for "DOCTOR/PATIENT PRIVILEGE" but it is severely understood that there is that right in the therapy world. I am NOT violating that right when I am talking in vague terms about a case and NOT mentioning names, NOR MY NAME, NOR THE PERSON'S again, this person had had some severe trauma in his childhood and was ready to talk. But had prefaced in many sessions before that I would be like all the other shrinks and just shrug like there was nothing that could be done. First I must say here if that really happened(Which I am not surprised...We have some excellent Specialty Doctors but shitty Therapists...Life Coaches you know who you are) then I am mad at them for that, and second that is not taught in trustworthy schools as the approach to these cases. There is always something to be done. Anyways, he also thought I would stop treating him, and blame him for the mess. No, there is no culprit in cases like these. Anyways, enough building the suspense. He started to tell me about an older sibling that molested him when he was a young boy, did it for years to him and made him feel too ashamed to say anything about it, that it was his fault, he really wanted it. Years later when he knew better she denied it even happened calling him a liar. but she continued molesting from the age of about seven on til he was old enough to be able to stop her, he said he was about nine. Now that in of itself is sad, but this is not why I am posting this, this is a case I have dealt with before. What I am about to say next I have never dealt with before and have no confidants that would want to hear this so I have to turn to strangers and a secret blog to unburden my pain at the sheer horrific story that kept me sleepless last night and made me sick to my stomach. When he turned thirteen, or shortly thereafter one of his parents lost a job and it forced them into a smaller house, his brother and my client ended up sharing a room, and the parents cast off king sized bed, by that time his younger brother was just turning ten but was way smaller then my client was at that age. My client started to molest his younger brother, and of course the younger brother fought back. But my client was now thirteen and much stronger, so he eventually won out. He did this til he was fifteen. By then my client was so sickened of himself he could no longer look at himself in the mirror. He tried to commit suicide once. And had a sudden realization he didn't want to be that person anymore, he stopped molesting his brother. They were in separate rooms by then. But the damage was done. His now eleven year old brother turned and started to molest his nine year old little sister. My client said when he first walked in on them and yelled at his brother to stop it, his brother didn't even give him more than a passing glance before resuming the molesting. My client said he spent an entire day in the bathroom vomiting , screaming and crying. He tried to tell his parents, the police, and teachers. All about it, from what happened to him down to what his brother was doing to his little sister. No one believed him. My client is my age. I can remember they were just starting the programs of telling your teachers or policeman if your parents were hurting you but they didn't have the training for if siblings were hurting you. God I didn't know what to do. I usually wouldn't divulge this I have a whole separate blog for this but I wanted him to feel ease for what he went through. So I told him some personal truths just slightly changed and not really changed that much to help him not feel alone. I said my mother explained in NC-17 format what sex was when I was three and told me although it was how babies were made, it felt really really good. So at four when my best friend (a boy) named lee spent the night I coerced him into having sex with me. WhenI was five, I was the first to get chicken pox so all the mothers were sending their kids to come stay with me in the hopes they would catch from me. I was teaching them all about sex while they stayed over. My mother's boyfriend found out about this and yelled at them, said they were bad and sent them home. That day he bought me a pink dress and two dolls. He asked if he could brush my hair, and then started telling me how pretty I was and did I know what I was telling those boys? I said yes, and he asked if I could show him so I did, and he said could he show me, and that's when he started the raping business
I was raped over two years time. I told my mother once and she called me a liar. she thought he was a great dad to me.
But once...on a mere chance her car broke down and she spent two hours getting fixed and her boss cancelled her shift at the restaurant so she came home and saw I wasn't lying...we never talked about it. But I grew up thinking that boys would love you if you had sex with them...I told him that I told a guy I would beat him up if wouldn't have sex with me, but that part was a lie. And that was it. I told him that the real person that should've been hauled through and tarred and feathered is the person who started the molesting business whoever molested his sister. And it was a shame that the whole family was torn apart now. I told him to get angry, he had every right. And to feel sickened at the mess that the person who started it all, and he has every right to carry this with him for however long it takes before he can put it behind him. But then I said...But you're an *Insert ARTISTIC GIFT HERE* How can you go forward with your craft and make your *INSERT ARTISTIC GIFT HERE* further if your always looking back at that mess behind you, one day you have to drop that burden to grab ahold of your future. I know you will though, but not until your ready.
I feel really honored you shared this with me...
And then....I closed the session grabbed my wastebasket and puked...


Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Quitting SUCKS, Smoking Sucks, MEN SUCK< Dating Sucks,....and I need sleep

Second attempt. I thought that I would never have a day that would be traumatic or or rollercoaster. But then the full moon hit. I had had at least three months or the entire time and then some without a single episode or upset that interupted my life. But from the term lunatic came LES TIC DE LAS LUNA=LUNATIC there is an actual correlation between the flucatuation between the rising of the ocean tides and the water in our bodies. I don't know if that's really true. But my psychiatrist once told me about it. Since then I've been seeing full moons. Meaning everytime I freak out or have a "crazy day" it just happens to ALSO be a full moon. Coincidence? Planted suggestion? Or real fact? Who knows. But last night I was so busy, with working on my novel, helping other people with their problems and building resumes, not to mention search for available grants and scholarship, that I actually spaced out my nighttime meds. and suddenly it was 5a.m. and it was too late to take them. I mean if I took them then, I would sleep all day, then be wired for my date that night(getting to that in a minute) and then be all night, throwing off my whole schedule. WHICH right now, I have just Given up CIGARETTES!!! HOORAY FOR ME!!! RIGHT?!?! Well apparently, last week on Wednesday, when my grandmother and I were supposed to quit together...SHE JUST BACKED OUT...last second!!! And the whole point was us to quit together so the other wouldn't go through hell like last time smelling the smoke or watching them smoke, or being crabby because we couldn't smoke and the other could. Besides we were going to support each other. OH! You better BELIEVE I was pissed that she backed out!! And she just acted like I should be okay with it! And she is telling me this while she is SMOKING!!!! I would be a little more okay with it, if she wasn't being the BIGGEST hyppocrite and blowing the damn smoke in my face practically! It just went downhill from there.
I went onto this dating site, one that a friend of mine recommended to me, he'd met his FIANCE on there!! Was moving to San Diego, and the funny thing was this guy was TOTALLY WORK FOCUSED...suddenly she is all he can talk about! I was impressed, so when I felt I was ready to date again(like I was no longer going to attract the same guy over and over again, the insensitive asshole...) I went on there and signed up. I was FLOODED WITH MAIL from all kinds of guys, mostly ones I DID NOT want to reply to. But I met a guy who came across as cocky, and full of himself, and like he was good at everything, he just...well seemed like the old type of guy I kept attracting but on this site we were a high match. So I gave a haughty response to his email. And well he answered back with a surprising and well thought out answer, well OF COURSE my main atttraction was Intelligence,(and he wasn't bad to look at, in fact he was damn good looking, damn it all to hell. Trust me it would've been easier if he was ugly) and this guy had it in spades!
So I agreed to meet him feeling I was doomed to repeat my old relationships over and over again. So we met, and really... he was NOTHING like his braggert profile claimed. HE was smart, funny, artistic, and everything that was basically there but no asshole, no cocksure jackass that thought he was a player, instead he was a thoughtful, nice, POLITE!!!, and sweet guy. We started dating...and that's where the problems began. Now I was stupid REALLY STUPID, to think I was the only girl he was dating. I mean I was dating other guys...but, well I was being with him than others, I gave him certain parts of me, and things I could do that none of the others got. And I never really thought anything of it. Til I was in his guest bathroom and I blew my nose and tossed it into his garbage and I saw THEM it was the WOST THING that I COULD'VE EVER EXPERIENCED IN MY LIFE!!! Here I had thought I had met my....other, my well we'll say Mate, my guy for maybe all times. I don't know but I could see myself for being with him definitely for longer then three years. But I looked into the garbage and saw A Couple Of CONDOMS... and well STUPIDLY I thought we were only sleeping with each other and well...(yeah I know I'm a tool) I didn't ask him to use a condom. So I swallowed back my tears, and sat down on his couch and laughed and said, are you dating others while we're dating? He didn't even turn to face me, he said Yeah then turned and asked why. I said I saw the condoms in his garbage, and then quickly said I don't know why I didn't think of it, I mean I'm dating other guys too. But I didn't tell them I hadn't slept with any of them. But after that, I slept with two of them, WITH CONDOMS ON...sad thing is, I HAD TO FAKE IT ALL THE WAY. One guy even started to treat me like my old boyfriend, asked me if I was his little slut, and put his hand around my thraot, I grabbed his hand and shoved it down til it smacked him in the face and said don't. pretended to cum and got off him, he said he didn't finish and I said I lost my taste, and I left on the bus. Been ignoring his calls and texts, as well as others that are just hard up jackasses basic sex crazed jerks. Anyways, on Sunday my sweetheart, he is really is, brought me a thoughtful gift that no one else could ever match. But once in a conversation I had mentioned a book of Tupac Shakur's that I loved it was all of his poetry and some of his songs in rough draft. Yeah I liked Tupac, but that book moved me as I read it. I went to buy it but didn't have enough money on me at the time to pay for it at the time, so I put it back and went back another time, searched everywhere and couldn't find it. Searched in three more bookstores, luck. I told this all to my sweetie, and then out of the blue, he shows up with that book on Sunday. The thoughtfulness of that book overwhelmed me. But it still made me want to cry. Because my insecurities munched at the edge of my mind, eating each cell away causing the inevitable insanity to later set in. But each little voice would in turn say, "what if the others, fuck better, or he's a player in disguise? Remember how long Cory hid himself from you? Does "J" really tell you what is on his mind, in his heart? Does he tell you things all the time? Where my brain protests, He says my eyes are like crack, my...but I couldn't keep going those nasty little voices were faster, louder, and just thinking of mean things are easier than remembering nice things, "All those girls, and each one far more normal than you. What would he want a fucked up little thing like you?" But m last thought was of course the book. and that kept them away
Til today. I couldn't help but think while he would sit as available to chat but was unable to, was he chatting to anyo of them? did he tell them sweet things like me? Did he buy them gifts too?
Did they give him what I gave him only more freely? What if what I gave himwasn't something to be treasursed but only second or third best to what he is getting from someone else.
And later on when we're together and my stomach is making me nauseous because of the thought that wher I am kissing him maybe three other girls at least are have kissed too, and I mentioned us going to this bar for the burgers, he swears he idn't and I must have him confused with someone else, I got confused, I could've sworn it was him. Well anyways, later on I tried to remind him the last time that we had sex twice in a night, again he denied it, trying to pull the whole musti've been one of the other guys you've slept with. EXCEPT, I'VE ONLY SLEPT WITH YOU! And HAD TWO VERY REGRETTABLE NIGHTS THAT MADE ME HATE MYSELF ONLY BECAUSE I DIDN"T WANT YOU TO JUST LEAVE ME IN A HEARTBEAT FOR SOMEONE BETTER THEN ME... I just wanted to know that what I have, who I am , is good enough for the guy that I consider the greatest...but he's not ready to settle down, and I know if I keep pushing him. I'll loose him but If I hold on any longer....I am I don't know what. I am just gonna cry for a long time and will fall back into my sullen I hate men routine because it took a long time to find this guy and knowing my luck. I'll suddenly get diagnosed with deadly brain cancer and will die, or He'll say I'm too obsessed or something. Or weird,, or crazy.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

The Many Men In My Life...Lowering My Age Standards....The Guy who wouldn't go away...AND A REASON TO CELEBRATE...

So, I've turned from a hibernating caterpillar into a butterfly that is sought by many to be made into part of a collection. I am of course speaking again of the dating site I am on. It seems that even when I finish answering emails of those that I think are sweet enough to accept or even just to tell nicely no thanks or to delete unceremoniously, that within an hour I have about fifteen more to go over. I know this sounds like I am bragging but not in the lest, it's more like I am overwhelmed. There is one guy that I thought was the one, but now it seems the dates are coming less and less and I am just not having the same good feeling about him anymore. There was one guy that seemed so cool and interesting to talk to, and we had fun the night we met up but then the next night he seemed scary, saying how addicted he was to me and all he wanted to do was spend time with me. I kept telling him I was sick and only wanted to sleep but he just couldn't give it a rest! Finally I just ignored him and he stopped. But he just seemed way too scary. Today doesn't seem so bad, I've decided not to judge so much on age so more, not by going up in years per se, but lowering the age limit, I've met a guy who was a little younger than I am and he is intelligent and smart, he's one who caught my eye, or really I caught his, but afterwards he caught mine. We took each other's matchme tests, I scored high on his, he scored a little lower and he didn't like that, but it was funny to me. Now even though I am still a little sick I am going out. To drink and have some fun. I just want out of the house, to get my focus off....OH YES I FORGOT TO SAY IT!!! I quit smoking cigarettes~!!! Big deal to celebrate huh!
So we're going out to have fun and even though he smokes he said he won't smoke around me.
I thought that was nice! Anyways, I am hoping to meet someone soon that I can settle down with because even though I like John, I don't want to have to wait for him... I believe wholly that if I suddenly have someone to settle with he'll suddenly realize his mistake and come to want me.
Oh well.

Monday, March 2, 2009


All I have to say is... RUSH LIMBAUGH!!! Okay first of all, I was a stupid child. I used to be a Republican, and I grew up listening to the bullshit spewing from Rush Limbaugh's mouth. I had to. My Stepfather listened to him as he drove to work and I drove to my volunteer job at the VAMC in Prescott Valley. OMG!!! I know I giving away my Valley Girl roots but I just couldn't stand the guy even when I was a KID!!! IN the political News yesterday a commentator said that Rush Limbaugh was only an "Entertainer" and was "Ugly" Now let me clear some things up here. YES!!! Rush Limbaugh is an Entertainer, and ONLY an Entertainer, at most he is a Commetator. HE IS NOT A WORTHY NEWSOURCE FOR WHAT IS GOING ON IN THE POLITICAL WORLD. Anyone who says that, EVEN in ROUNDABOUT TERMS, HOPES THAT THE PRESIDENT WILL FAIL, is not an objective source for the Political news. Now I will here do what great debators often do, which is to recognize and refute, Often times News Anchors, especially Political news anchors interject their news bias, BUT They have on other political officianados, POLITICAL ANALYISTS, BOTH DEMOCRATS AND REPUBLICANS to show both sides. They of course, as they are liberal mostly, attack the Republicans but show at least both sides. BUT RUSH LIMBAUGH IS NO ACCURATE SOURCE OF POLITICAL NEWS NOR OPINION, HE TELLS EXACTLY WHAT HE THINKS AND DOES NOTHING TO SHOW OTHER SIDES NOR ENTERTAINS THE THOUGHTS OF WHAT OTHERS MAY BE THINKING IN AN UNBIASED WAY.
NOW, onto the "Ugly" comment. THEY WERE NOT referring to his looks, although when he gets passionate and he breaks into a sweat, his face turns red, and he spits a little and it's really NOT PRETTY, their comment on his ugliness really referred TO HIS PERSONALITY. HE IS AN UGLY PERSON INSIDE. HE SPEWS HATE, ENGAGES IN ARGUMENTATIVE TACTICS AND REALLY ATTACKS PEOPLE AS A WAY OF DRIVING HIS POINT, so how can he be taken seriously. When I was a child I remember him once saying that he started out a liberal and started this show as a way of breaking through the norm. As sort of an entertainment act, but overtime began to believe what he was talking about then became slowly the man he is today. Really weird to me I later learned through watching the movie 'Private Parts' featuring Howard Stern that he supposedly became the same way. I am not so naive now and believe them both to be full of shit. I believe that Rush Limbaugh was always a narrow minded asshole, regardless of the lines he was crossing and will always be a narrow minded asshole.
As I am writing this I am listening to MSNBC, not saying this channel is any better than any other, But it is at least able to show both sides more accurately then say...FOX NEWS!!! Which I refer to as FOX NOISE who has fired all liberal news anchors and are dictated as to what news stories they can air on their shows. Not to mention that the liberal analysts they have on their news are pantywaists and get just lambaisted by the anchors. Which honestly I think they do on purpose so the anchors can look better then their guests, which is really just sad. But my point is is that the news media, and then in turn the public takes a comment at tongue and cheek and suddenly the whole point of the comment is lost!! WTF People. First of all STOP BEING SO SENSITIVE and SECOND, STOP TAKING THINGS LITERALLY. When did we stop being a society of being able to take things off the cuff or as written figuratively.
WHILE I HAVE YOUR ATTENTION- DON'T USE POLITICALLY CORRECT LANGUAGE...otherwise known as PC it was devised by the Government, said by them to address the sensitivities of the intelligent society divisions. ALL IT DOES IS HAVE A NICE WAY OF FURTHER SEGREGATING AN OVERALL UNIFIED SOCIETY...DO WE CALL OURSELVES CAUCASION AMERICANS, OR GERMAN AMERICANS??? NO!!! WE ARE JUST AMERICANS, SO WHY, PLEASE TELL ME WHY, they have to be called AFRICAN AMERICANS or HAITIAN AMERICANS, OR NATIVE AMERICANS...WE ARE ALL JUST AMERICANS, and last I checked I was born here too, so really I am a Native American too.