Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Okay So you'd think by now everyone would be sick to death of hearing Blogoyvich's name, if I am even spelling it right. AUGGGGGHHHH!!! But no! He was logged to appear on several t.v. shows yeseterday, including one that I don't watch, David Letterman. Why don't I watch him? Because he makes these jokes that are so stupid and about small details of people's private lives in politics and then gets laughs for it! And I am sitting there like...what's so funny about that?

Well last night he was ragging on Well We'll call him B. for short, anyways David said something and B. said "Well you're enjoying having me on aren't you?" and David replied something to the effect of, "Well for filling up dead air , or a time slot, you're not that bad." Something like that, but OOOOHHHHH lol what a dig!! Like he's worth nothing but to kill time!! And this jackass B. Just keeps talking to anyone who'll listen and really no one wants to hear it! I mean, okay so probably the illegal wire tapping they did in his office won't be allowed in court so there is not a thing that will come of this legally, but his political days are over, seriously. He should just go into hiding and shut his mouth. Save what's left of his dignity. Cause right now, the media is looking for any little thing they can do to make fun of him. He came out of his one day and slipped on some ice, and they made fun of him for it!!! CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT??? SERIOUSLY!!!

This is why I hate the media sometimes. They take a story that at one time was sensational, and they beat to death with a hammer, just pulverize it into the ground. Til it's nothing like what it once was. And then they give you updates on it like a year of five years or ten years later. To keep poking holes at the wounds. Just to make sure it still hurts.

Okay enough with that, how about Dick Cheney!

He suddenly comes out today with this "Secret information" that he got from a "Source" he's not naming that there would be another attack on the U.S. and he's cautioning US??


Fox NOISE is what I call them. The news station owned by the, what I call the REPUBLICAN DEVIL!! RUPERT MURDOCH The man is so Right Winged that when he bought the station he first started sending notes that told reporters that they couldn't say things that made certain politicians look bad or put in a bad light. Coincidentally they were politicians he either supported or liked as a friend. Then it got worse he sent in notes saying what the reporters could report on that day. IF President Bush had made a huge bungle and every other station was reporting on it, RUPERT would send in a story for them to report on about a man in Minnesota that had saved a mother bear and her cubs from a forest fire! And if the liberal reporters dissented from that they were supposed to be allowed to, I mean the news is about following the story and reporting on it, not being told what you could report on. Anyways most reporters are liberal. But the DEVIL would fire them! Soon all the original reporters and then eventually all the staff that had worked at the station was fired and replaced with a group that agreed with RUPERT'S VIEW Now on their news show they DO have alternating views when they choose to have a debate between the conservatives and the liberals but they choose a weak willed liberal that is not quick and getting their point across or someone that is just not good at debate and then they make him look like a ninny on t.v. make them somehow seem right. So to this effect I call Fox News


and that seems a succinct description.

But okay on to local news and then no more rants for today!

The other night on the Hoover Dam

A bus was crossing from Nevada into Arizona, it had just crossed state lines, when for an almost inexplicable reason, it just jackknifed and crashed onto other cars, It was so close to the edge but no one fell over the dam, they just fell out of the windows and were crushed between the cars or the ground and the bus. It was horrible. Many were wounded and five died. Those that were dying tried to talk to the people on the scene trying to help them but apparently they spoke other languages, some Spanish, some Asian. They were pronounced dead on the scene.

They're still trying to figure out how the bus went over. They think that the bus took the curve too hard and lost balance.

Very sad indeed.

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