Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Information That Young BIpolars and Uninformed Bipolars should know..

Hey There Bloggers! and Hello To all My BIPOLARS around the world!!
This is especially to you-
Okay, as my friend did earlier on his blog(I will be talking a little bit about what he said some in agreement, some to argue and some to add to that he couldn't), I am not a Doctor of Psychiatry so there is not A LOT I can say about mediaction. HOWEVER, I have a Master's degree in Psychology Specializing in Teenagers and adults with Schizo-affective disorders and some minor others that affect teens. That mostly means Schizophrenia of course, but it also includes bipolar disorder, as well as Social anxiety disorder a few of the phobias that people have and then ADHD and ADD. I also in my years of having to come to grips with my disorder have taken TONS of medications. So I know about alot of medications, The ones I took, the ones I studied up on, and the ones my friends and clients took. If you need to talk about your meds. informally I can help. I have also, access to medication websites and search engines that you may not. I can help you in ways maybe your doctor might think you don't need to know. That's not how I operate.
As for calling it an illness, well do you sneeze? Do you cough? Is it contagiious? Do you take raidation for it? NO! You will not be cured of it, you never caught it from anyone and it's not like it's killing you in anyway like an acutal illness would. IT'S A DISORDER!!! My friend calls it an illness. Well thats' an easy way of saying there's no hope for you. Like saying Alcoholism is and illness and you'll never be cured of your addiction to it. HORSESHIT!!! YOu can go so long with out a drink that you are actually repelled by the smell or thought of alcohol. So why should you still be considered an addict?
I hate that people who've never had the problem are the ones doing the labelling.

And onto my last point, now many of you may in the past, or are at this moment considering going off your meds. You may feel fine and like you don't need them anymore, or you may feel like your meds. make you feel "flat", emotionaless, and unable to create your talented works or art anymore. Wel whatever the reason is, DON'T GO OFF YOUR MEDS.- TALK TO YOUR DOCTOR FIRST!!!! First of all if you suddenly quit your meds. you may have a psychotic break, have a total loss of what reality is, paranoia, hallucinations, thoughts of suicide. And even if you go off them gradually you'll fall right back into your life the way it was once before, and that life was the reason you started taking meds. in the first place. Yeah sure, you'll be able to create again but still, you'll be off kilter, unable to connect correctly with society. Utterly depressed one mintue and wondering if it was all worth it, and so manic that eventually you fly into a rage of anger and breaks things, screaming in people's faces, maybe even going to so far as to hurt someone. So stay on your meds. TALK TO YOUR DOCTOR!!!! And see if you can either get on different meds, or have your levels changed, or if you've just gotten on the meds. be patient. It took me awhile but suddenly I got back the ability to laugh and feel, I write and create art, but I don't go to extremes anymore. I can Control myself now. And it's all because I kept working and it, trying over and over again, til I found the medication that worked for me. In the right dosage. And it's a disorder. It's a chemical imbalance that affects chemical neural synapses.
If you want to know the exact way that bipolar disorder works...I can tell you.
But you have to be open and honest with yourself about the fact that you need help all in all,
it's your call.
Rant is finished

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