Thursday, February 26, 2009

Running into my High School Sweetheart, Dating online, and being diagnosed Bipolar...

So things have taken a turn for the bizarre. I have been on the okcupid dating site for about three weeks now. Have met some interesting guys and some really great guys on there. There is one that trully makes me happy, I really like him. We get along great, the romance is there, so is the sexual chemistry. I am just worried that he won't want to settle down with me when I want to. But right now we are both dating others. So it;s no big deal.
Another weird thing has happened to me, my old high school sweetheart has found me online. He emailed me and asked me how things were going, it's weird but everything ended on such a bad note that I was surprised he emailed me. But he apologized to me for how everything turned out. So I told him the same thing. That I was sorry that things turned out the way they did.
It was kind of cathartic. Anyways, he's married now, and fat, really fat, with three kids of his own. Which is nice for him I guess. He's got one son and two daughters. I knew he always wanted a large family so that's cool. I told him I was bipolar and that I was diagnosed at 19. I said that a lot of the problems we had as teenagers were problems I created as a teenager not knowing I had this disorder. That I wasn't willing to take responsibility for my actions at the time and blamed everyone else for things that were really my problem. It was funny though because he called me Bri, a name no one called me since I was a teenager, Out here in Vegas, no one calls me that, they all call me Brianne. So it was funny.
The best thing about though was I was able to lay to rest a problem in my life that had been rolling around in my head for about ten years.
I guess you'll never know what will happen until you just run into the person and talk things out.

1 comment:

  1. time is a weird thing, huh? So glad to hear you were able to close the door on those old issues...finally getting around to catching up on your blog! I've been awol from most things for a while, my laptop is in the shop right now getting wiped...sigh...but at least hopefully after that I can get back to my normal online existence! xoxo
