Thursday, February 12, 2009

Dating online, weird questions asked, and trying to weed out the weirdos...

So, I started a new dating site, it's free and is actually quite good. It does better than eharmony because you still have the ability to go out and look for dates instead of waiting for matches. But it still asks questions and matches you.
But the questions they ask are sometimes a little weird like:
1. Would you consider it offensive if someone was burning the flag?

2. If someone served you a wonderfully prepared meal of human meat, would you eat it?
I wouldn't because I know where mad cow disease comes from...actually eating your own species meat. It started with cows who were being fed the leftover parts of other cows to make them healthier. But it ended up in a disease that as I am sure you know, makes you quite insane. They never figured out what it was til there was a rescue of people who'd been trapped in a remote snowy area. They ate the people who'd not survived to keep themselves alive. But they developed mad cow disease.
As you eat your own genetics, the proteins in your body start to look at your organs and muscle as food, and even devour your brain making you quite insane. Look at the Amazon women types of Figi, long ago they would welcome you, and feed you kava kava a huge downer and hallucinogen.
But there were other weird questions like
3. Would you be in a long term serious three person relationship?
That's a little crazy.
There were others that I couldn't remember but they seemed pretty out there as it went on.
Which makes me ask the question, why are all of these so important?
I mean some of them I understand but others...weird
Wellanyways, I've become quite popular on this site, I guess, and well have been bouncing around between guys trying to figure out which ones are going to be the best fit.
It's a little confusing sometimes to remember who is who.
But I am definitely weeding out the ones I don't want to know.
Phew! I've been trying to work on my book but lately haven't had the chance so it's been kinda crazy trying to find time to myself.
Mostly I've been dying to work on my book, and hope to work on another chapter today.
Well, Bloggers, this is a fairly uneventful one but still about me so...

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