Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Okcupid, fresh meat, and the call of my book...

Just joined a free online dating site, and the messages have been pouring in. Can't believe how many guys suddenly seemed interested in me.
A friend of mine met his now fiance on there so I thought I'd give it a try. So far things are a little hectic. I haven't even gotten a chance to work on my book yet, but that's what I am doing next. I swear by God, that I will AT LEAST get one chapter written today. Maybe two if I feel so inclined but I doubt I'll get the chance seeing as how I am suddenly popular online. It was that way with my writing site too. All these people came out suddenly to read my work. It was kind of neat.
Anyways, I can't think of too much to write about suddenly, all that is on my mind is my book. I must go write!!!

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