Saturday, February 28, 2009

My Rant and Rave on Media's Sensationalizms of Senators reaction to Obama's Stimulus Plan, Minimalization of Troops in Iraq, and others stuff...

I know that sometimes, I seem a little less rant and rave and seem more telling of my daily life. But that's only because I am still feeling out this blog. I don't know whether I am trying to set my personality on this blog or if I am trying to make it a hodge podge of my life. But that is about to end, I wanted this to be about my rants and raves, and my uphill struggle as a bipolar. I just have nothing to complain about, it seems that my life is in an upswing right now. But as always, my anger has come out and this time seems justified. To all of you who think that Obama is bumbling it as President, take another look. He is in fact catering to our desires. We had asked for less military in Iraq, we have asked for breaks on the middle class, we had asked for a stimulus package. The problem is we're now listening to what the senators wanted and are taking that to heart as what we, the majority, wanted. And when I am saying people, I mostly mean the media, they glorify the positions and stances that the senators are taking on these issues. I say we should sit back and let Obama do what needs to be done, for at least 100 days. If everything isn't starting to go in a direction that promises an uprise in the future, then I say we start to get on his ass.
On another note, I have heard, though not from a terrific source, so I won't sensationalize, but I hear that Obama is up for the Nobel Peace Prize. If so then Whooo-Hooo, that's awesome, if not then I told you my source was not that reliable. Especially since she is a woman starting to go senile. lol
Anyways, that is my daily rant.

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