Friday, February 6, 2009

Raise your hand if you Understand Men...and Is someone telling half-truths about Obama?

Okay, so I'd never thought I'd be talking about this on my blog but here I am bitching about something as stupid as men! Yeah! Me! And not even men in real life, men over the internet. Well here's how it goes. I met a guy who's a model, yeah, a model, yes I know what that sounds like "How can you be sure he's a model? " "Why would he be interested in you?" I know I know all of that. But trust I know for sure that it's really him. So as not to give away details I will only call him D. So D lives in another Country but he's sure we will meet up because he has shoots in my city. My city of sin. Las Vegas. I don't doubt he will come here and we will have a wild time but I am a little well not skeptical but really more like scared. I've just been hurt too many times to accept that he really wants a relationship. But he talks like we'll be able to have a real relationship. Things are really still up in the air at this stage. Anyways, I have two guy friends I talk to on the internet and they chose to take they're bad days out on me, and I warned them that I had a reactive bipolar disorder. ANYTHING you say to me will most likely set me off and that it is unfair for you to put your bad moods unto me! But they just kept dumping. But the weirdest thing happened, instead of getting mad, I cried! ME! Oh yeah it was a great day. (sarcasm, if you didn't notice) And all the while I am just looking for that one, the one that is nice, caring, smart, funny, will be there for me, and is here in my world now. I don't want a guy who is a million miles away one who I'll see in nine months or a year from now. I want a guy that is here right away. And he doesn't have to be hot, I'll settle for luke warm, or tepid. Anyways I am sick of this subject.

I keep hearing people saying that as long as Obama is pushing back this bill of spending to be signed then more democrats are adding in silly Pork Spending like wanting a statue for their hometown!
This person is one I know not to be stupid or ill informed, but he's also Republican and totally against Obama so I am a little uneasy from believing him. In fact I never believe just what anyone else says I learn it on my own. I am just that way. Then there are talks that the prsioners that Obama released prisoners released prisoners from guantamo bay and they are already back with their terrorist cells. Why would he do that? Release prisoners that he new posed a threat for terrorist cells? Alright it just doesn't make any sense. Not that I am calling that person a liar. I just think he's been listening to someone who isn't correct or to a news organization that's illinformed. I mean I watch the new practically all damn day and I haven't heard a single thing like that. Well I can't say anything here bad about someone I guess I'll just have to say that I should not assume. Because we all know what that leads to....

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