Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Obama Stimulus Plan and The Lies Of Republicans

Hey There BLoggers!
Okay So again I heard lies from Republicans as they said that Obama's plan was just to spend, spend, spend. And then tonight I heard from Obama's mouth directly that my worst suspicions were true, not only were we in a state of recession but our jobless numbers, our state of economy had reached all time lows that were WORSE than the Great Depression!!! A time when the world had only been saved by a war, which is funny because part of our problem had been when we had GONE to war!! But Obama had confirmed once again that his spending part of the stimulus plan was only 1% of his stimulus plan, MEANING he had MORE ideas then just spending money to help to boost our economy. He had ideas about restructuring our very way of operating businesses in general, to ensure they would never need to "borrow" money from the government again. So this should put to rest the oppositiong of the Republican dissension, right?
NO! THey had a set up a community weekly meeting that so few planned to attend that they ahd to entice them with having JOE THE PLUMBER there as a speaker...I don't really think that's going to work anymore guys.
Oh And who is one of the guys that supports Obama's stimulus plan? REPUBLICAN CALIF. GOVERNOR, ARNOLD SCHEZNIGGER!!! Now what does that say to all you other stuffed up old farts? JUST GET OVER IT ALREADY- this bill is going to be passed!!!
Okay, I am done ranting.

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